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#include <engine.h>

//型態要用double; 元素要column major順序給定

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#include <fstream>
ofstream Outfile;

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  • Sep 16 Wed 2009 00:23
  • 開學


Y CP 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

明天,是第100天,你會回來嗎 ?

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  • Mar 24 Tue 2009 00:18
  • PeAcE


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Weekly Report

I fell ill on last Tuesday and supposed that I would recover soon. However, I lay on my bed once arriving the dormitory the following days since I easily felt tired and had no vitality.

When I lay on my bed, I reviewed what I learned on graph theory course and had an intuition that there is some relationship between n-cube, perfect matching, complete bipartite, and complete k-partite (the issue about complete k-partite seems meaningless?? ) I drew numbers of graphs to try ordering my thinking but nothing special discovery. Nevertheless, I noted down a few notes bellow:

¨          Bipartite ó 2-colorable ó No cycle with odd length

¨          N-cube

The number of node is 2^n, and the number of edge is (2^n * n)/2. It’s n-regular.

¨          Complete bipartite Kn,n

The number of node is 2n, and the number of edge is n*n. It’s n-regular.

¨          Perfect matching

        There are n disjoint perfect matchings on Kn,n ,and n! perfect matchings on it.

To find number of perfect matchings on Kn,n can correspond to find the number of 1-1 function with the same size of Domain and Range.


老師說本來要叫我不用寫了,可是因為我把graph theory 寫成graphic theorem,所以還是得繼續磨練一下。


※ 紫色的是代表陳小涵同學每週要學習的單字及片語   太陽

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         It was a terrible day yesterday. I ate one piece of toast all day long but half was vomited. All I could do is having a slight fever and lying on the bed for eighteen hours. In fact, I had went to a clinic few days ago for my chronic cough, the doctor said that it was possibly a disease called 黴漿菌. 黴漿菌 is a “child disease” since only children aged 2 to3 or 5 to 10 are easily infected. I really wonder why I would get the disease and hope that I could recover soon and get away from the hell.  



                                所以結論是,你還沒滿十歲 ~ ? 



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